Monday, May 17, 2010

9 Months & 3 Years

NINE MONTHS-Isaac 9 Months

Stats- 25 lbs 3 oz.

.: What You’re Wearing- 18 months in separates, 24 if a one piece outfit, shoes not sure w/ your fat little foot!

.: Firsts- crawling everywhere FAST, pulling up, walking along furniture and even standing alone for short times, fishing trip, MO trip to see Great Papa Brennan.

.: From Head To Toe- your hair has grown so much in the last month and the humidity makes the curls even better!  Daddy calls it hippy hair and demands a cut…but Mama & Gma say no! Has one tooth and working hard on the other. Got some allergies & goopy eye.

.: Loves- laughing, getting into the cabinet with books, push cars back and forth, following mama, magnets on the fridge, swinging, racing to the stairs before the gate is put up, climbing,

.: Dislikes- all the falls involved in trying to be mobile, sleeping long periods of time

.: Eating- same as before although you’ve been eating a bit less due to allergies I think, bottle every 4-5 hours, cereal and fruit for bfast, jar of veggie & fruit for lunch and supper, likes puffs, cheerios, biter biscuits, wagon wheels, etc

.: Sleeping- goes to sleep about 8 or 9, wakes about 11 goes back down quick, eats about 1:30 and sleeps until 7ish

Going to miss these curls…not sure the dry AZ weather will make his hair like this…

curly smiles

It was a super looong month.  So many events, so many changes…it hit me the other day there will be only one more “month” post before we’ll be on our way west :(  One thing is certain in the business of the next 6 weeks…you’ll continue to grow, change and probably start walking! Yikes!


Hard to believe our “big guy” is a big 3 year old! I look at this picture and see how much he has thinned in the face and kinda lost that “baby look or baby face”.  Where did it go?  When did that disappear and how did I missed it!?!?!  We had a great weekend celebrating his birthday.  Started the weekend in Topeka/Melvern celebrating with the Brennan and Burnett fams.  After church today we celebrated at home with Matt’s family.  Aidan 3 Yrs

He was spoiled with lots of Cars, Dragons, Diego & “Starblightyear” which translates to Buz0zlight year.  Movies, PJS,  cars, trucks, jeeps, Buzzlight year jet pack & dart gun, Big wheel bicycle, little people dinosaurs to add to our collection of Little People, stuffed Buzz, kite & bubbles!!  Lots of fun to keep him busy!

Even last week if you asked him how old he was he’d say “four”.  I worked on showing 3 with his fingers…he got frustrated and when I’d ask how old he was he’d hold his hand toward me and say…”you do it mommy!”

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday to you big guy!! :) And seriously if Issac could look anymore like Daddy at that age?? He is so adorable!! I'm sad that we will miss seeing you all this Labor Day! But I wish the best of luck and praying for a safe trip to AZ and that you will find a church family and make friends and make it your home for the time you have to be there. I love you all so much and miss you all like crazy! Give the kiddos kisses and hugs from their cousin in TX and give my Matthew a HUGE hug for me!! XO
