Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Joy

Yes it’s the middle to end of Jan and I’m just getting to posting Christmas!  We started out with a bang starting and finishing our Christmas shopping the weekend before Thanksgiving, but time got away from us and some decorations didn’t even make it up and as of today trees are STILL up!

Our Christmas events began the weekend before Christmas with the Burnett Christmas held at my sisters.  A great time as always with my cousins, Aunts & Uncles.

Burnett Chrismas Collage

 It was soo much fun with 3 kiddos this year!  Emma finally grew out of the notion that Mary brings her gifts.  She was a little leery, but a bit fond of Santa (right about the time the Santa bubble will be burst at school!).  Aidan was all about HoHoHo Merry Mismis since last year.  He also loved to say “Happy Holidays” to any one in earshot.  Isaac was oblivious to it all, but brought us great joy.  His first significant snow was a BLIZZARD!  Christmas Eve blew in A.L.O.T of blowing snow.  We still made it to Christmas Eve service, however Grandma & Papa did not.  We tucked you in that night to the sounds of the howling wind (that made Emma a bit jumpy!) reading the most important story ever!

3 kids collage eve collage

Believe it or not everyone slept in until about 7:30! Crazy to sleep in Christmas morning, but I had assured the kids if they woke when it was still dark they might scare Santa and he’d leave in a hurry as to not get caught.  I think they were afraid he might run off with their gifts!  The kids were super excited to see what they got and Emma was convinced she heard the reindeer.  Emma was absolutely precious as she opened one gift from her stocking and then waited until everyone opened the gifts she had gotten for us.  Her school had a shop where she could purchase a small gift for each of us.  Daddy a flashlight, Mommy a beautiful Christmas bracelet, Aidan a football & Isaac a jingle ball. She also got mommy new kitchen towels (that were awesome!), Aidan a block train and Isaac a caterpillar toy thanks to Grandma Stout taking her shopping for all of us.  She was very excited to give & see our excitement as we opened what she had chose.  It was impressive she had kept them a secret!! (Kindof she slipped about the towels one day at Target.  We walked by the kitchen towels and she said “Don’t look mommy! You’ll see your gift.  Then when doing laundry she’d do little things like say “Wow mom your towels are old, you should get some new ones for Christmas!” So cute!)

Each child got a new fleece blanket from Santa and stockings filled with books, a new ornament, and small toys.  From Mommy & Daddy they each got 3 gifts (if 3 gifts were good enough for the Son of God 3 is enough for a son or daughter of mine!) They were very pleased with all their gifts.  We interrupted playing with breakfast of Bubble Bread & Breakfast Burritos. Yummo!

In the after noon we headed to Aunty Shelly’s for the Stout Christmas.

stout collage

Whew! In a flash it is over!!  Makes me already excited for next year!  I do love the holidays!

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