Friday, July 3, 2009

Fair Days

Last weekend I headed home for the Melvern Fair Days. It's been an annual trip for at least me and the kids. This year we arrived on Friday evening and came home Sunday afternoon. I will admit this year it took every bit of energy I could muster up to go. Simiply the prep to pack was tiring and the drive was something my feet and back feared.
However, 2 things won out. Seeing family and....HOT BEEF!
As a child the only 2 places you could get this type of sandwich was at fair time and at the Methodist church "Penny" suppers held on Saturdays throughout the summer. My plan was to average 2 sandwiches per day and succeeded in that mission! My Dr. would be proud of the protein it supplied my body, because typically meat has been something I've avoided! Yummo for the baby!

When we arrived Friday night it was beyond hot and very, VERY still. I was hangin' in there, but the kids literally were miserable. Poor Emma and her thin hair looked as if she had stepped out of the shower. Hair drenched. Aidan refused to do most rides...except the stupid jumpy, bounce house. Seriously, $3 for him to jump for about 3 minutes...and it was his favorite! Emma got the arm band and barely came close to making it worth the $$. We eventually retreated to Mimi's to do some skinny dipping in her pool....the kids....not us adults! :)
Saturday AM was an early rise to get ready for the Kids Games. Kids of all ages gather at the school ball fields to participate in various games such as running, tire race, 3 legged race, shoe race, bike races, on and on... The girls love participating to earn $$ for rides. $1 for first, .50 for second, and .25 for 3rd. Emma earned enough for maybe 1 1/2 rides! Aidan even joined in the fun this year. He ran the race, shoe race and tire race. The tire race was the best! My cousin Beth got him started, I was at the finish line with the camera and to encourage him to come the right way. He rolled the tire once, it fell and he looked around and took off running for the line. He was like "forget that tire...I'm runnin'". So CUTE! Emma and Madison did great at the 3 legged race. Not saying they had the best form...but they don't judge on that!
Tired from the races we rate some of the best pizza around for lunch! What a treat! Hot beef & Buzzards pizza!!! Full tummy- time for a nap. The boys napped, my sis and the girls went up town for the Old Fashion Games. Egg toss, water balloon toss, digging in hay for $$, haybail toss, nail driving, turtle races, and jalopeno eatting contest. Once rested time to eat dinner and get our spots for the parade. We have always sat on Main Street in my grandparents yard, but after the death of my Grandpa 2 years ago the house has finally been sold however the current owners were more than willing to let us enjoy our annual spot. The kids always enjoy watching Papa march with the legion. Not sure if it's appropriate but they scream and cheer when they see him....I think we're all supposed to stand...probably quietly at attention as they carry the flags!! :) Fire trucks are a thrill to Aidan so considering that was 1/2 of the parade he was in heaven! This year's parade also included a was awesome! We gathered 1/2 a bag of candy from the parade and ran off to the park for the homemade ice cream social. Yummm My kids got to choose their 3 favorite rides to ride before leaving. Perfect timing as the rides were over a rain shower/sprinkle came through and gave us the perfect excuse to head to Mimis. Saturday night was soo much more enjoyable as there was a nice breeze and a bit cooler!

I stuck around for lunch on Sunday again gathering the energy for the trip home. Within about 15 minutes from Melvern my feet were in baaaaaad shape...or at least a round puffy shape. The kids slept the entire way so the quiet was very much enjoyed.

So that was Fair Days until next year....we'll have to go up on Thursday next year for the FINAL time of being in the baby show!! Michelle, my cousin and myself will all have little ones competing for first!! [Side note: my hopes are not set on a win...the judges in the past have seemed to suffer from visual problems....I mean come on!!Look at these babies...]

Emma w/ Great Gm & Papa at baby show. (June '04 -6 months)

Aidan with Mommy at "Cowboy" themed baby show. (June '07 -1 month)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you came this year. I wish we could have come back Saturday night. I too didn't know if I was gonna make it there Fri night cause of the HEAT!!! It was terrible. The kids loved skinny dipping. I am looking forward to the baby show for next year. Yep your right what were the judges thinking those years. :)
